Singing Guide: Michel Sardou

Singing Guide: Michel Sardou

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Michel Sardou is a French singer, songwriter, and actor, known for his powerful, deep voice, and charismatic stage presence. He is a singer who commands respect, and the delivery of his iconic songs requires a high degree of technical mastery and artistic sensibility. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to learn how to sing like Michel Sardou.

Understand Your Vocal Range and Voice Type.

Before diving into singing Michel Sardou's songs, it is essential to understand your vocal range and voice type. The vocal range test on Singing Carrots is a great tool to help you determine your vocal range and compare it to famous singers. Knowing your voice type can help you select songs that suit your range and allow you to develop your voice in that direction. In Michel Sardou's case, his voice type ranges from baritone to bass-baritone.

Listen to Michel Sardou's Iconic Songs.

To learn how to sing like Michel Sardou, it is necessary to listen to his iconic songs to understand his style, phrasing, and vocal technique. Songs such as "Je vais t'aimer," "La maladie d'amour," "Les lacs du Connemara," and "Le rire du sergent" showcase Michel Sardou's deep, rich tone, and emotive delivery.

Focus on Proper Breathing Techniques.

Breathing is an essential element in singing, and Michel Sardou is no exception. His ability to sustain long notes comes from his mastery of breath control. The Singing Carrots blog provides articles on breathing techniques to help develop your singing skills. Understanding active and passive breathing, breath support, and how to avoid constriction will go a long way in achieving the vocal strength and control characteristic of Michel Sardou.

Work on Articulation and Phrasing.

Articulation and phrasing are critical elements in Michel Sardou's vocal technique. Clear enunciation and precise phrasing give his songs a unique character. The Singing Carrots blog provides articles on articulation and techniques to help you to effectively learn a song, such as "why you need to open your mouth and throat while singing," "how to learn a song effectively," and "voice registers and vocal breaks."

Explore Michel Sardou's Contemporary Vocal Techniques.

Michel Sardou's singing style is often classified as "chanson" (French song), which draws from different musical styles and traditions. Exploring contemporary vocal techniques such as heavy modal, twang, and belting can help you understand what makes his sound unique. Singing Carrots provides articles on these topics, including "Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting," and "Vocal Distortion & Growling."

Take Singing Carrots' Educational Singing Course.

For those who want to take their skills to the next level, Singing Carrots provides a comprehensive singing course covering both singing theory and practical tips. The course consists of 21 lessons and covers topics such as breathing techniques, vocal registers, voice control, and performance. This course will give you a solid foundation and a range of singing exercises to hone your vocal skills.


In conclusion, learning how to sing like Michel Sardou requires a deep understanding of vocal range, voice type, articulation, phrasing, and breathing techniques. Singing his iconic songs and exploring contemporary techniques, coupled with practical tips, can help you develop your singing skills. Taking Singing Carrots' educational singing course can provide you with a complete and structured learning experience.

If you want to test your vocal skills, Singing Carrots provides a vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and vocal pitch monitor. Finding songs that fit your vocal range is also possible with Singing Carrots' song search tool. The platform also includes resources such as a songbook and progress statistics tracking to help you monitor your development.

Start practicing and have fun exploring the rich vocal world of Michel Sardou!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.